Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An Answered Prayer

A couple months ago I lost my great-grandmother's bracelet. It's not much. Just a simple silver chain with a heart pendant. But it meant a lot to me. As I searched the apartment, car, and all my belongings I prayed for help. My conversation with Heavenly Father was as follows, "Father I know it's not important in the grand scheme of things. I know it's not even something I need to be worrying about as a missionary. I should probably be worrying about those we're teaching and how I can help them come unto Thee. Please help me to find this bracelet. It means a lot to me. I know it's just a thing that I can't even take with me to the next life. Please help me to remember where I had it last. But if it's not Thy will that I find it please help me to let it go and be okay. Thy will be done." That's basically what was going through my mind.

Well, I didn't find it. I kept a look out for a number of days, but finally came to the realization that it was probably lost forever. Life went on but Heavenly Father didn't forget about my little prayer. One day I put a sweater on (because it finally got cold enough that I needed to wear a sweater) and found my bracelet in the pocket! You can't imagine my joy! I was so excited to find it. But it wasn't so much the fact of finding the bracelet again so that I could wear it, but more the fact that Heavenly Father answers all our prayers. He answered an insignificant prayer from a few months ago. And all because it was important to me and He loves me. It's as Elder J. Devn Cornish says, "Heavenly Father loves us so much that the things that are important to us become important to Him, just because He loves us."

I know Heavenly Father loves me and he loves you. He knows our names; he knows our needs and our wants. We are his children and as such we can become like him. May we trust in His love and in His plan. I am grateful to be a daughter of God.

See the following link to read Elder J. Devn Cornish's talk entitled, "The Privilege of Prayer."

1 comment:

  1. That exact same thing happened to me except with a ring that means the world to me! I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers. Especially the simple ones. Prayer is very real and very powerful!
