Thursday, January 29, 2015


Have you ever noticed how often in the scriptures it says of the Lord, "He is the same, yesterday. today and forever"? Or it says God does not change? In fact he can not change or he would cease to be god. This alone has brought me great comfort. Recently I have come to understand more fully what this means. At least what it means for me and how I can apply this truth in my life.

Because God does not change this means he will continue to keep his promises. From various books of scripture we see God keeps his promises of blessings his people as they obey, as well as curse them if they forget him and wander away. For thousands of years he has done so. Why should he cease to do so now? And why especially should he be any different with me? He isn't, he wouldn't, in fact he could not be different.

So, because he is the same I can trust that what he has promised me, if I am faithful, I will receive. He has promised me as I repent I am forgiven. He has promised as I am obedient to his commandments I will be made strong. As I continue on my journey to becoming like Christ I am assured I will, one day, become perfected in Christ and inherit eternal life. The blessings of the temple are mine as I do my part. God's promises are sure. I trust in him and I look forward to inheriting eternal life! Oh what joy fills my heart at that promise!!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Begin Again

I have begun to study the Book of Mormon again. I do not know how many times I have studied this book. Many, many times. Yet, each time I study I learn something. I read the same chapters and verses again and again and my testimony grows. The stories have become very familiar to me. And I still learn something from them.

For example, as I studied the first couple chapters of 1 Nephi I thought of what Lehi  must have been thinking and feeling. Was he worried about how he would provide for his family as they journeyed in the wilderness? Did he hope this would help his sons, Laman and Lemuel, seek after the Lord and become strong priesthood holders? Was it difficult to leave his home and Jerusalem? Did he wish he could remain and continue preaching in the hopes some soul would repent and come unto Christ?

I do not know the answers to these questions. But I do know Lehi obeyed the command of the Lord. He had many afflictions on his journey. But he continued on and received a great reward. He received visions and lived to see his family to the promised land. All this adds to my determination to follow the inspiration I receive. I do not know all the blessings the Lord wants to bless me with. I can not imagine. Nor, I expect, could Lehi envision how blessed he would be. However, moving forward, trusting in the Lord will bring happiness. It will also bring growth and greater understanding. I will move forward and trust the Lord.