Monday, December 19, 2011

This Christmas Season

This past week with Christmas coming I have been thinking a lot about it's true meaning. As I've thought about it I came to a pretty interesting conclusion. Bear with me as I explain.
The reason we celebrate Christmas and why it's so special to us is because it's really about families. Not to detract at all from the miraculous birth and life of Christ, but this season is about families. Let me explain. It's only in, through, and by Christ that we have the chance to live forever and live with our families eternally. For me the reason I love Christmas so much is because through the birth of Jesus Christ I can live with my family for all eternity. He came down to earth so that all may have the opportunity to live forever with God and with their families. His mission was to make it possible for us to become clean and live with God and our families again. I love my Savior and I love my family. And I'm grateful for this time that we have to celebrate families. Eternal families.
Merry Christmas!

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