En los últimos días y semanas he pensado en perseverar hasta el fin. Parece más bien desalentadora. Sobre todo cuando me doy cuenta de todas mis debilidades y lo que necesito para ser antes de que yo estoy preparado para estar en la presencia de Dios. Créame que hay un montón. Mi lista es cerca de seis páginas. Y no es completa. Estoy seguro de que conforme pasa el tiempo se añadirán más a esa lista.
Pero a pesar de que tengo la esperanza. A pesar de que puedo ver mis debilidades y de la vida delante de mí, todo lo que aún deben realizar, he encontrado la paz y la esperanza. Y ha llegado a través de las Escrituras, las palabras de los profetas modernos, y la oración. Como dije en mi última entrada, yo sé en quien he confiado. Mi confianza está en mi Padre Celestial y el gran plan de felicidad que siente por mí. mi meta es la vida eterna, a vivir con nuestro Padre Celestial ya mi familia por la eternidad.
En Leales a la fe que dice en la vida eterna:
"Al reflexionar sobre su progreso en el" estrecho y angosto camino, "estar seguros de que la vida eterna está a su alcance. El Señor quiere que vuelvas a Él, y Él nunca se requiere de nada de ti que no puede cumplir. Todos sus preceptos; tengan por objeto promover su felicidad. Cuando usted se ejercita la fe y servirle con todas tus fuerzas, Él te da la fuerza y proporciona una manera para que usted pueda hacer lo que Él te ordena (véase 1 Nefi 3:7). Recuerde que, como usted da a su mayor esfuerzo y arrepentirse de sus pecados, la expiación de Jesucristo compensar su debilidad y de las desigualdades, las lesiones y dolores que experimentamos en esta vida: "Sabemos que es por la gracia que nos salvamos, después de todo lo que podamos hacer "(2 Nefi 25:23).
Me encanta esto. Mientras estamos en el camino se nos promete que podemos obtener la vida eterna. El Señor quiere que volvamos a él. Él nos ayudará. Él nos da la fuerza para seguir adelante. Pero sólo si nos volvemos a Él y somos obedientes a lo que Él nos pide que hagamos.
Me gusta especialmente lo que dice en la mitad del párrafo. "Todos los mandamientos se calculan para promover su felicidad." Para mí, eso significa que si somos obedientes a lo que Él ha ordenado que sea feliz. Sé que esto es cierto. Estoy agradecido por esta vida que tengo que aprender y crecer. Estoy agradecido de que sé que puedo obtener la vida eterna. Esta seguridad me trae alegría. Mi gozo es completo porque sé que puede tener la vida eterna.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
There is Hope
In the past few days and weeks I have thought about enduring to the end. It seems rather daunting. Especially when I realize all my weaknesses and what i need to become before I'm prepared to stand in the presence of God. Believe me there is a whole lot. My list is about six pages long. And it's not complete. I'm sure as time progresses more will be added to that list.
But even with that I have hope. Even though I can see my weaknesses and the life ahead of me, everything yet to accomplish, I have found peace and hope. And it has come through the scriptures, words from latter-day prophets, and prayer. As I said in my last entry, I know in whom I have trusted. My confidence is in my Heavenly Father and the great plan of happiness he has for me. my goal is eternal life; to live with Heavenly Father and my family for eternity.
In True to the Faith it says under Eternal Life:
"As you ponder your progress on the “strait and narrow path,” be assured that eternal life is within your reach. The Lord wants you to return to Him, and He will never require anything of you that you cannot fulfill. All His commandments are calculated to promote your happiness. When you exercise faith and serve Him with all your might, He gives you strength and provides a way for you to do whatever He commands you (see 1 Nephi 3:7). Remember that as you give your greatest effort and repent of your sins, the Atonement of Jesus Christ will compensate for your weakness and for the inequities, injuries, and pains you experience in this life: “We know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23).
I love this. As long as we are on the path we are promised that we can obtain eternal life. The Lord wants us to return to Him. He will help us. He gives us the strength to go on. But only if we turn to Him and we're obedient to what He asks us to do.
I particularly like what it says in the middle of the paragraph. "All His commandments are calculated to promote your happiness." To me that means that if we're obedient to what He has commanded we will be happy. I know this is true. I'm grateful for this life that I have to learn and grow. I'm grateful that I know I can obtain eternal life. This assurance brings me joy. My joy is full because I know I can have eternal life.
True to the Faith:
But even with that I have hope. Even though I can see my weaknesses and the life ahead of me, everything yet to accomplish, I have found peace and hope. And it has come through the scriptures, words from latter-day prophets, and prayer. As I said in my last entry, I know in whom I have trusted. My confidence is in my Heavenly Father and the great plan of happiness he has for me. my goal is eternal life; to live with Heavenly Father and my family for eternity.
In True to the Faith it says under Eternal Life:
"As you ponder your progress on the “strait and narrow path,” be assured that eternal life is within your reach. The Lord wants you to return to Him, and He will never require anything of you that you cannot fulfill. All His commandments are calculated to promote your happiness. When you exercise faith and serve Him with all your might, He gives you strength and provides a way for you to do whatever He commands you (see 1 Nephi 3:7). Remember that as you give your greatest effort and repent of your sins, the Atonement of Jesus Christ will compensate for your weakness and for the inequities, injuries, and pains you experience in this life: “We know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23).
I love this. As long as we are on the path we are promised that we can obtain eternal life. The Lord wants us to return to Him. He will help us. He gives us the strength to go on. But only if we turn to Him and we're obedient to what He asks us to do.
I particularly like what it says in the middle of the paragraph. "All His commandments are calculated to promote your happiness." To me that means that if we're obedient to what He has commanded we will be happy. I know this is true. I'm grateful for this life that I have to learn and grow. I'm grateful that I know I can obtain eternal life. This assurance brings me joy. My joy is full because I know I can have eternal life.
True to the Faith:
Saturday, March 3, 2012
"Yo sé en quien he confiado"
Recientemente hemos tenido muchas personas nos dicen que tenemos que comprobar nuestros recursos. Eso tal vez pudo haber sido llevar por mal camino y nosotros estamos engañados. Los amantes expresan su preocupación y nos dicen que leer la Biblia y tomar una mirada más cercana a lo que dice. A menudo te preguntas que son oscuras o están en busca de pruebas físicas que lo que creemos y enseñamos es verdad. Y no es algo inventado o cambiado por el hombre.
Le invito a pedir a Dios, su Padre Celestial, si la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es verdadera. Si tenemos un profeta viviente. Si José Smith fue un profeta de Dios y que él restauró el Evangelio de Jesucristo una vez más en la tierra en su plenitud. Le invito a leer y orar acerca del Libro de Mormón. Doy testimonio de que estas cosas son verdaderas. Y lo hago en el nombre de Jesucristo y como su representante.No necesitamos a la pregunta o me pregunto si lo que vemos, oímos o leemos es verdad. No tenemos a vagar en la oscuridad. Podemos pedirle a Dios lo que es verdadero y qué es de él. "Si alguno de vosotros tiene falta de sabiduría, pídala a Dios, el cual da a todos abundantemente y sin reproche,. Y le será dada" (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/james/1?lang=spa) Todo lo que necesita hacer es preguntar. Él le responderá. Sé que esta promesa es verdadera. Le he pedido. He recibido respuestas. Y yo, al igual que Nefi (un profeta en el Libro de Mormón), puede decir: "Yo sé en quien he confiado". (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/2?lang=spa) Confío en Dios.Con cada encuentro mi testimonio de la veracidad de este evangelio, el evangelio de Jesucristo, se fortalece. Mi testimonio de oraciones respondidas y de revelación personal y moderna se hace más firme. Sé, sin duda, que he recibido respuestas a mis oraciones. Sé, sin duda, que yo soy una hija amada y preciosa de Dios. Yo sé que Él me ama, y oye mis oraciones. Yo sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero. Sé que tenemos un profeta viviente que conduce y nos guía hoy en día. Yo sé que si buscamos a nuestro Padre Celestial en oración Él responderá. La oración es real. La revelación personal es real. Podemos recibir respuestas a las preguntas esas que tanto deseamos saber las respuestas. Y es sólo a través de la búsqueda de nuestro Padre Celestial en oración.
Le invito a pedir a Dios, su Padre Celestial, si la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días es verdadera. Si tenemos un profeta viviente. Si José Smith fue un profeta de Dios y que él restauró el Evangelio de Jesucristo una vez más en la tierra en su plenitud. Le invito a leer y orar acerca del Libro de Mormón. Doy testimonio de que estas cosas son verdaderas. Y lo hago en el nombre de Jesucristo y como su representante.No necesitamos a la pregunta o me pregunto si lo que vemos, oímos o leemos es verdad. No tenemos a vagar en la oscuridad. Podemos pedirle a Dios lo que es verdadero y qué es de él. "Si alguno de vosotros tiene falta de sabiduría, pídala a Dios, el cual da a todos abundantemente y sin reproche,. Y le será dada" (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/james/1?lang=spa) Todo lo que necesita hacer es preguntar. Él le responderá. Sé que esta promesa es verdadera. Le he pedido. He recibido respuestas. Y yo, al igual que Nefi (un profeta en el Libro de Mormón), puede decir: "Yo sé en quien he confiado". (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/2?lang=spa) Confío en Dios.Con cada encuentro mi testimonio de la veracidad de este evangelio, el evangelio de Jesucristo, se fortalece. Mi testimonio de oraciones respondidas y de revelación personal y moderna se hace más firme. Sé, sin duda, que he recibido respuestas a mis oraciones. Sé, sin duda, que yo soy una hija amada y preciosa de Dios. Yo sé que Él me ama, y oye mis oraciones. Yo sé que el Libro de Mormón es verdadero. Sé que tenemos un profeta viviente que conduce y nos guía hoy en día. Yo sé que si buscamos a nuestro Padre Celestial en oración Él responderá. La oración es real. La revelación personal es real. Podemos recibir respuestas a las preguntas esas que tanto deseamos saber las respuestas. Y es sólo a través de la búsqueda de nuestro Padre Celestial en oración.
"I Know in Whom I Have Trusted"
Recently we have had many people tell us that we need to check our resources. That perhaps we may have been lead astray and we're deceived. They loving express their concern and tell us to read the Bible and take a closer look at what it says. They'll often ask questions that are obscure or are searching for physical proof that what we believe and teach is true. And not something invented or changed by man.
With every encounter my testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is strengthened. My testimony of answered prayers and of personal and modern revelation becomes more firm. I know without doubt that I have received answers to my prayers. I know without doubt that I am a beloved and precious daughter of God. I know He loves me and hears my prayers. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know we have a living prophet leading and guiding us today. I know that if we seek our Heavenly Father in prayer He will answer. Prayer is real. Personal revelation is real. We can receive answers to the those questions we so desire to know the answers to. And it's only through seeking our Heavenly Father in prayer.
We don't need to question or wonder if what we see, hear, or read is true. We don't have to wander in darkness. We can ask God what is true and what is of Him. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/james/1?lang=eng) All you need to do is ask. He will answer you. I know this promise is true. I have asked. I have received answers. And I, like Nephi (a prophet in the Book of Mormon,) can say, "I know in whom I have trusted." (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/4?lang=eng) I trust God.
I invite you to ask God, your Heavenly Father, if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. If we have a living prophet. If Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ once again on the earth in its fullness. I invite you to read from and pray about the Book of Mormon. I testify that these things are true. And I do so in the name of Jesus Christ and as His representative.
With every encounter my testimony of the truthfulness of this gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is strengthened. My testimony of answered prayers and of personal and modern revelation becomes more firm. I know without doubt that I have received answers to my prayers. I know without doubt that I am a beloved and precious daughter of God. I know He loves me and hears my prayers. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know we have a living prophet leading and guiding us today. I know that if we seek our Heavenly Father in prayer He will answer. Prayer is real. Personal revelation is real. We can receive answers to the those questions we so desire to know the answers to. And it's only through seeking our Heavenly Father in prayer.
We don't need to question or wonder if what we see, hear, or read is true. We don't have to wander in darkness. We can ask God what is true and what is of Him. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/james/1?lang=eng) All you need to do is ask. He will answer you. I know this promise is true. I have asked. I have received answers. And I, like Nephi (a prophet in the Book of Mormon,) can say, "I know in whom I have trusted." (http://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/4?lang=eng) I trust God.
I invite you to ask God, your Heavenly Father, if the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. If we have a living prophet. If Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ once again on the earth in its fullness. I invite you to read from and pray about the Book of Mormon. I testify that these things are true. And I do so in the name of Jesus Christ and as His representative.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Spiritual Cairns

My family and I have a tradition that whenever we go to the ocean we make cairns. Little miniature ones out of the rocks on the beach. As a district we went to Bodega Bay and I of course had to keep up the tradition and make a cairn or two. As I made them I thought of what they're used for. In short a cairn is a man made pile of stones used as a landmark. They mark trails so hikers don't lose their way. (For more information see Wikipedia.com) The more I thought about it I began to realize the connection to the gospel. We each have spiritual cairns. Things that guide us along the way to become like Heavenly Father.
So what are those things? They are the scriptures, prayer, church, the prophets, and so much more. So long as we follow the cairns (study the scriptures, pray, attend church, follow the prophets) we will have a clear path and attain exaltation.
I know that as we do the little things each and every day we will find that in time we have become like Christ and obtained perfection. I am so grateful for the little cairns in my life. I know Jesus Christ lives and he is my Savior. I know Thomas S. Monson is a living prophet. I know The Book of Mormon is true.
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